MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

jus another quick `ello

looking a bit raggity, feeling a bit worn, but my favorite time of year is fast approaching and so shall my renewed sense of energy. I miss you all terribly but think of you all everyday and i've been trying to read the blogs but haven't much time to respond. (bad blogger friend)

Got another party to prepare for this weekend and then maybe i'll get a break til the holidays!

My baby turned 9 years old yesterday.

Just a couple more pics and i gotta run again!

Luv and hugs to all!


Cheryl Ann said...

just got in from taking Amy to school via bicycle!!! (jello legs)
she's been asking to ride her bike to school for a while and we'd have done it sooner if we didn't have to cross a majorly busy road to get there! All went well...but the street gets busier in the afternoon so wish us luck! I'm going to go visiting now - YEA!

Dale said...

Happy Birthday, Amy!

I can't wait to get back on my own bicycle - we've put it off for far too long!
Fall is my favourite season, too!
It's been cool and the trees are already begining to turn.

Take care, Cheryl-Ann and I think of you often, too.
And don't apologise for not being around all the time. We only have so much time in which to get everything done.
Good to see you again, tho!


Vallypee said...

Hi Cheryl Ann, Happy Birthday to Amy too! Congratulations on reaching the great age of 9! Mum, you're a star, riding to school with her. I'm always so grateful we have these cycles lanes everywhere in Rotterdam. So much safer for mums and kids.

I also think of you often, dear, so don't fret about not being around so much. As Dale says, we only have so many hours in the day, don't we. Lovely to see these photos of you too. You look great! Thanks so much for dropping by lovely Cheryl. Big hugs xxx

MargieCM said...

Lovely pics Cheryl Ann - I think "raggity" is looking good!

So your baby is nine - it happens so quickly. He's a real good looking boy, to pinch a phrase. September's a big birthday month here too - Emma was 17 on the 6th, and Madeleine will be 19 on the 27th. Soph has to wait til November for her 15th. Babies no more.

I too have been a bad blogger, and like you, I miss everyone when I'm away, but life and duty call ...