MuggleNet: Half-Blood Prince Countdown

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

ghost survey

1. How old do you think you'll be when you die?

2. How will you die?
Hopefully in my sleep - it's my favorite thing to do!

3. What will your last words be?
won't be talking cause i'll be sleeping or maybe "5 more minutes, please"

4. What will your epitaphe read?
she got to see the who 3 times

5. Any parts of your body you wouldn't donate?
my eyes, maybe they seen too much!

6. What song will be played at your funeral?
the complete who catalog

7. Cremated, buried or "other"?

8. If you could take one thing with you to the "next life", what would it be?
my cigarettes (not really my answer, but when it crossed my mind i thought it was funny)

9. If you could take one person with you, whether they like it or not, who would it be?
couldn't bring her cause she already there, but i want to be with Bandit.

10. Supposing they existed, do you think you'd end up in heaven or hell?
i'd end up in between!

11. If you could haunt any one place, where would it be?
I'd like to travel instead of being in the one place.

12. If you could haunt any one person, who would it be?

13. What type of ghost would you be?
long flowing, wispy, floating, see through with a purple haze

14. You've been given the chance to send one message back to the land of the living. What does it say?


gypsy noir said...

Well you can take your ciggies with you if you want..
maybe you will get to see the Who on the otherside oneday!..
you will be a colourful ghost, nicer than just the standerd grey....
great stuff..

Cheryl Ann said...

Whats the difference between ghosts and angels? just curious

gypsy noir said...

Well I think ghosts are lost souls and angels are chosen to protect..I think..

Vallypee said...

I agree Gypsy! A good distinction.

Cheryl, sorry I've not been here for a few days, but I'm so busy with work that I'm just dipping into blogland and dropping comments here and there.

Glad you did this. I like the idea of a travelling ghost!